Ultra-Competitive, Monthly Pricing
We offer our service as a subscription rather than an upfront payment. If you don’t see results, you can cancel at anytime.
Status Reports
We email you biweekly to let you know the progress we’re making. We are transparent about the work that we do.
Downgrading Bad Links
We push down content that hurts your reputation. Plain and simple.
Frequent, Optimized Updates
We create new content daily and make sure it goes live where it will reach the most users.
Dedicated Project Managers
You receive a dedicated point of contact throughout your entire campaign.
Turnkey Service
We make all the work dead-simple and do the heavy lifting.
About Us
Based in New York, we provide Online Reputation Management to fit your needs in any industry. Whether you’re an individual looking to protect your name or a business trying improve your relationship with your clientele, we’re both experienced and constantly researching best practices to help you look your best.
Give us a call at (631) 606-0040 to find out what we can do for you.
How It Works
What makes for good reputation management and how does it fit into your business?
Finding Where You Stand
The first job of reputation management is to assess your search results and determine what work needs to be done, if any.
There are four main categories:
If your results show public record divorce papers, police blotter articles about an unfortunate night from many years ago, or smear from a competitor, it’s safe to say these links are going to harm your business. If you fall into this category, it is essential that you downgrade this content and take control of your online presence.
You Don’t Show Up
If users search for you only to find someone else with the same name, you might have a bit of a problem. This is similar to the irrelevant search in that it may or may not harm you, but it certainly isn’t going to help you, particularly if your nominal doppelgänger works in the same field. For all the professionals out there named John Smith, it pays to be the most relevant John Smith in your category.
You Don’t Show Up
If users search for you only to find someone else with the same name, you might have a bit of a problem. This is similar to the irrelevant search in that it may or may not harm you, but it certainly isn’t going to help you, particularly if your nominal doppelgänger works in the same field. For all the professionals out there named John Smith, it pays to be the most relevant John Smith in your category.
When clients search your name, good things come up. So you don’t need reputation management! Or do you? Peruse though search results carefully from the perspective of a prospective client. Are your online reviews positive? Do those links present you in the best possible light and are you actively managing your online profiles? These points are critical for funneling clients online.
How Can We Help?
We evaluate your search results to determine a course of action. Not every bad result is dealt with in the same way. Some results can be simply buried while others require nuanced intervention. For example a bad Yelp review would require a different approach than a negative article on Huffington Post.
Roadmap For Success
Leveraging our experience and insight with search algorithms and online marketing, means that while we can’t make guarantees, we have an extremely powerful toolkit for handling even the most difficult cases.
Call or email us today for a free consultation and analysis.
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Phone: (631) 606-0040
Email: [email protected]
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